Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Firelight Coffee

    One of my best friends, Grace, is helping open an incredible new little coffee shop on the Westside.  Grace has been working diligently with Firelight Coffee almost since it's inception, along with Ryan and Todd, the other two full-time employees over at Firelight.  The company is unique in that they roast their own beans, themselves, right here in Atlanta (err, Doraville..but still, much closer than most other coffee companies) I haven't yet made it out to the warehouse where they roast, but know that once I get the chance, that will provide some incredible photographs too.  Head on over to their website and order some coffee!  I promise you won't be disappointed- it's really good stuff.  I've heard they can even get people who put waaay too much creamer in their coffee (to where it turns white) to drink it black.  Yes, it's that good.  Yes, that person is me.  Yes, I may be a bit biased since my friend works there, but really, I wouldn't lie if I didn't like it --I would support Grace and cheer her on and probably even market/advertise a bit, but wouldn't give it my stamp of approval unless I meant it.  Don't trust me?  Try it yourself!  I'll refund ya if you're not happy :)
    On Saturday, Grace and I met at the location of the coffee shop--not sure if I'm allowed to disclose that quite yet-- it's a bit complicated, but the space in which the shop will be located is a start-up/small business collaborative space, and at first the shop was going to be just for employees and their friends.  Then they opened it to surrounding "neighbors" but Grace and I can't figure how they will determine a "neighbor" from the general public.  So hopefully we'll get that cleared up and I can tell you where this awesome little shop will be and you can go by to see the cutest, best barista and support this amazing company. 
  We met--chalkboard, burlap, mason jars and fresh flowers in hand--on Saturday and I can honestly say I haven't experienced that much pure joy in quite some time while working.  Yes, I love that I get to play with kids everyday...but there was something different and so wonderful about styling shoots and getting to do whatever I wanted with the products- placing them just perfectly (one shot took about 20 tries before I finally was able to get the stinkin little coffee bean exactly where I wanted it, ha!) and being so pleased with the final product.  It definitely made me re-consider my career path, but unfortunately, I just don't think photography is a viable career option at this point in my life.  Perhaps later down the road, but it just doesn't seem to be sustainable right now.  Would I love to do it?  Absolutely.  So if you know of anyone needing a photographer/food stylist/etc., holla atcha girl. Until then, I am happy to have a hobby which I truly enjoy, and will just have it as a great way to supplement my income and pursue my passions. 

Grace, I'm so, so proud of you and all the work you have poured into Firelight- I have seen firsthand all the blood, sweat, and tears that have gone into this company and I'm so excited for this venture for y'all!  Can't wait to come visit and dream of our cafe in Firelight's little cafe! 

These are just a few photos from the shoot.  If you'd like to see more, head over to Firelight Photos [Flickr]

Thanks for stopping by!
in His love,


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